So the temperature is cold. Bras monkey cold. Like in the 50's? I dunno. It is pissing rain too (that's what Jamie said) I have also been told to "tap that" several times. It is disturbing because each time it has been in referance to digestive biscutes Also, we had three people sort of randomly quite. One Polish girl (I think she had something to do with Uni, and had to get back) The two English girls just sort of quite. They decided that it "wasn't their cup of tea" and left. Without even saying goodbye. I didn't think anyone would notice, but everyone has been sort of like "awww, they didn't even say goodbye" (if you can be like a phrase or short saying) I also learned what a "wanker" is. But I'm not telling.
You just now figured out what it means? You stupid wanker
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