A pleasent uplifitng film
For Movies as Medium with Prof. George Angell we were assigned a number of films from which to choose our first home watching. I choose the film Requium for a Dream. I found it to be rather up lifting. I mean everybody lives past the end of the film, it is possible to see it all comming back together again. But even if they don't, it dosen't really matter. I mean nobody ends up any worse off than they were in the beginning of the film. Sure ma is strung out on speed, but she is happy and gets to live out her dreams everyday. Sure hairy loses his arm, but he could still do somthing with his life, and he will probably get some good detox out of it too. His girlfriend is a crack whore, but at least she now has a real steady hookup. Anyway, I am not supposed to be looking at the plot, or what I like, rather I am supposed to be looking at the composition of the film, somehting I know nothing about. So I am going to look at the way different "drugs" are protrayed. Food, sex, coke, diet pills, heroine, etc. :-)