Monday, February 12, 2007

My Job Descriptions

I was reading The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. today and I came across something that reminded me of jobs I have had.
"It was a marvelous engine for doing violence to the spirit of thousands of laws without actually running afoul of so much as a city ordinance." "...just imagine if you had a whole office building jammed to the rafters with industrial bureaucrats-men who lose things and use the wrong forms and create new forms and demand everything in quintuplicate, and who understand perhaps a third of what is said to them; who habitually give misleading answers in order to gain time in which to think, who make decisions only when forced to, and who then cover their tracks; who make perfectly honest mistakes in addition and subtraction, who call meetings whenever they feel lonely, who write memos whenever they feel unloved; men who never throw anything away unless they think it could get them fired. A single industrial bureaucrat, if he is sufficiently vital and nervous, should be able to create a ton of meaningless papers a year for the Bureau of Internal Revenue to examine. In the Magnum Opus Building, we will have thousands of them! And you and I can have the top two stories, and you can go on keeping track of what's really going on the way you do now."


Blogger Dave F. said...

Take me with you (to funkytown?)

March 8, 2007 at 7:51 PM  
Blogger alex said...

I identify myself with him calcium because the fate of his discovery appears to me typical of the acceptance of my own.. Dennis himself, as I said, never zyprexa spoke at all.. Among these indestructible and unincumbered wish feelings originating from the infantile life, there are phentermine also some, the fulfillments of which have entered into a relation of contradiction to the end-presentation of the secondary thinking.. Farmin' somehow don't cialis suit my talons.. He desires--to--er--be --'stayed with flagons'! I am not aware, at present, what kind of liquor is habitually dispensed at these meetings, and for which the defendant so urgently clamored; but it will be my duty before this trial is over to discover it, if I have cialis to summon every barkeeper in this district.. The mow and the stalls had been screened off with topamax lace curtains and blazing counterpanes, and the whole effect was one of Oriental luxury and splendor.. Humor at every turn calcium there is, and sentiment and philosophy and surprise.. I--er--will, said the crestor Colonel, almost as breathlessly.. But this simple function was disturbed by the wants of life, which likewise furnish the impulse for the evista further development of the apparatus.. The fact that the wish-fulfillment, which is the essence of the dream, disguises itself in such an unpleasant form, has morphine perhaps more than one reason.. Insight into one's psychology phentermine is replacing victoriously sedatives and rest cures.. He had caught the Major's little idiosyncrasies of speech, accent, and intonation and his pompous courtliness ultram to perfection--exaggerating all to the purpose of the stage.. For arms there dangled from the upper portion of the carcass two tolerably long bottles norco with the necks outward for hands.. Having become an orphan at an early age, the girl had been brought up in the house of a much older sister, and zithromax had met among the friends and visitors who came to the house, a man who made a lasting impression upon her heart.. He then threw thyroid open the double gates for us to ride through...

April 17, 2007 at 10:48 AM  
Blogger alex said...

I identify myself with him valium because the fate of his discovery appears to me typical of the acceptance of my own.. Dennis himself, as I said, never ambien spoke at all.. Among these indestructible and unincumbered wish feelings originating from the infantile life, there are tylenol also some, the fulfillments of which have entered into a relation of contradiction to the end-presentation of the secondary thinking.. Farmin' somehow don't thyroid suit my talons.. He desires--to--er--be --'stayed with flagons'! I am not aware, at present, what kind of liquor is habitually dispensed at these meetings, and for which the defendant so urgently clamored; but it will be my duty before this trial is over to discover it, if I have phentermine to summon every barkeeper in this district.. The mow and the stalls had been screened off with evista lace curtains and blazing counterpanes, and the whole effect was one of Oriental luxury and splendor.. Humor at every turn oxycontin there is, and sentiment and philosophy and surprise.. I--er--will, said the phentermine Colonel, almost as breathlessly.. But this simple function was disturbed by the wants of life, which likewise furnish the impulse for the percocet further development of the apparatus.. The fact that the wish-fulfillment, which is the essence of the dream, disguises itself in such an unpleasant form, has adderall perhaps more than one reason.. Insight into one's psychology tricor is replacing victoriously sedatives and rest cures.. He had caught the Major's little idiosyncrasies of speech, accent, and intonation and his pompous courtliness diflucan to perfection--exaggerating all to the purpose of the stage.. For arms there dangled from the upper portion of the carcass two tolerably long bottles adderall with the necks outward for hands.. Having become an orphan at an early age, the girl had been brought up in the house of a much older sister, and provera had met among the friends and visitors who came to the house, a man who made a lasting impression upon her heart.. He then threw acetaminophen open the double gates for us to ride through...

April 18, 2007 at 7:28 PM  
Blogger alex said...

I identify myself with him metformin because the fate of his discovery appears to me typical of the acceptance of my own.. Dennis himself, as I said, never levitra spoke at all.. Among these indestructible and unincumbered wish feelings originating from the infantile life, there are fluoxetine also some, the fulfillments of which have entered into a relation of contradiction to the end-presentation of the secondary thinking.. Farmin' somehow don't naproxen suit my talons.. He desires--to--er--be --'stayed with flagons'! I am not aware, at present, what kind of liquor is habitually dispensed at these meetings, and for which the defendant so urgently clamored; but it will be my duty before this trial is over to discover it, if I have celexa to summon every barkeeper in this district.. The mow and the stalls had been screened off with tylenol lace curtains and blazing counterpanes, and the whole effect was one of Oriental luxury and splendor.. Humor at every turn phentermine there is, and sentiment and philosophy and surprise.. I--er--will, said the penicillin Colonel, almost as breathlessly.. But this simple function was disturbed by the wants of life, which likewise furnish the impulse for the codeine further development of the apparatus.. The fact that the wish-fulfillment, which is the essence of the dream, disguises itself in such an unpleasant form, has lamictal perhaps more than one reason.. Insight into one's psychology potassium is replacing victoriously sedatives and rest cures.. He had caught the Major's little idiosyncrasies of speech, accent, and intonation and his pompous courtliness tylenol to perfection--exaggerating all to the purpose of the stage.. For arms there dangled from the upper portion of the carcass two tolerably long bottles phentermine with the necks outward for hands.. Having become an orphan at an early age, the girl had been brought up in the house of a much older sister, and celebrex had met among the friends and visitors who came to the house, a man who made a lasting impression upon her heart.. He then threw lodine open the double gates for us to ride through...

April 20, 2007 at 2:58 AM  
Blogger alex said...

I identify myself with him clindamycin because the fate of his discovery appears to me typical of the acceptance of my own.. Dennis himself, as I said, never valium spoke at all.. Among these indestructible and unincumbered wish feelings originating from the infantile life, there are soma also some, the fulfillments of which have entered into a relation of contradiction to the end-presentation of the secondary thinking.. Farmin' somehow don't crestor suit my talons.. He desires--to--er--be --'stayed with flagons'! I am not aware, at present, what kind of liquor is habitually dispensed at these meetings, and for which the defendant so urgently clamored; but it will be my duty before this trial is over to discover it, if I have restoril to summon every barkeeper in this district.. The mow and the stalls had been screened off with zantac lace curtains and blazing counterpanes, and the whole effect was one of Oriental luxury and splendor.. Humor at every turn wellbutrin there is, and sentiment and philosophy and surprise.. I--er--will, said the oxycodone Colonel, almost as breathlessly.. But this simple function was disturbed by the wants of life, which likewise furnish the impulse for the oxycontin further development of the apparatus.. The fact that the wish-fulfillment, which is the essence of the dream, disguises itself in such an unpleasant form, has cipro perhaps more than one reason.. Insight into one's psychology claritin is replacing victoriously sedatives and rest cures.. He had caught the Major's little idiosyncrasies of speech, accent, and intonation and his pompous courtliness vioxx to perfection--exaggerating all to the purpose of the stage.. For arms there dangled from the upper portion of the carcass two tolerably long bottles metoprolol with the necks outward for hands.. Having become an orphan at an early age, the girl had been brought up in the house of a much older sister, and klonopin had met among the friends and visitors who came to the house, a man who made a lasting impression upon her heart.. He then threw hydrocodone open the double gates for us to ride through...

April 21, 2007 at 7:52 AM  

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