Sunday, June 18, 2006


I awoke this morning to strange sounds of building outside the apartment on the street. At first I thought someone was cleaning up the abandoned building across from us, but when I took a closer look I discovered that the entire street behind our building had been transformed into a massive open-air market. There was an unending expanse of stall after stall reaching from as far as I could see. Purses, jeans, cheese, meats, nick-knacks and antiques were being hocked to whomever happened to be passing by. This street, which is normally full of cars and mopeds zooming in and out of the city, was choked with pedestrians, looking, handling, comparing and purchasing everything under the sun. Our guidebook didn’t say anything about this, but it looked like a regular event. So I took a quick shower and went out to see what I could find. I found everything. From cameras to backpacks, from portable TV’s to fresh cheese, I was a little sorry that I didn’t have any way of carting home some of the vinyl I found because they would have made some interesting additions to my collection.


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